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Sunday, 16 January 2011


Did you know that SALVADOR DALI  has exactly  the same number of letters as the new cereal recently launched by Traidcraft :   TRAIDCRAFT GEOCRUNCH  ? 

(hey - so maths ain't my strong point - Sue me. )

The point I'm trying to make is this. 

TRAIDCRAFT (10 letters) have come out with a STUNNINGLY (10 letters) FANTASTICO (10 letters)  NEWCEREALO (10 letters) . 

And if this is not CEREALISM  (9 letters) at its best - then SALVADOR (8 letters) is my BROTHER (7 letters) and not my SISTER (6 letters) or my UNCLE (5 letters) nor even my AUNT (4) , or DAD (3) or MA (2) .  Perhaps, put simply  :  He is I  (1) . 

Which PROVES (like dough)  that you just HAVE to (yes - that is an ORDER!  ) try the new GEOCRUNCH.

WOW - it really is the most STUNNINGLY FANTASTICO NEWCEREALO (10, 10, 10) .   It really really really is delicious.

(Jump forward in time : now that you've bought it & tasted it.)

So - what do you think?  Better than Acai berries?   Better than blueberries ?  Isn't  it the Best Weight Loss Programme Ever? The Best Baggy Eyes solution Ever?   The Best Cellulite Reduction Programme Ever?  

I thought so!

 Thankyou for your interest in TRAIDCAFT GEOCRUNCH .

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