One of our ilk ( or should I use the more seasonal "elk" ? ) spotted a clever justaposition of elegant necks in the Mustard Seed window this morning.
On the right of the window is a long-necked GIRAFFE - and on the left is a long-necked CARAFFE . Both beautiful, both looking at each other slightly confused (that'll be the wine) , and both wanting to tell you where you can put your leftover cooking RIFFRAFFE.

There's only two places in Faringdon where you can buy them - and one of them isn't Budgens.
1. In the Mustard Seed. Rolls of THIRTY, for £2.99 (10p per bag)
2. In the other place . Rolls of TWENTY FIVE, for £3.60 (14.5p per bag)
Wow! Now that really IS something to talk about at parties - and to rush round to tell your friends & neighbours . What an ice breaker eh? "Did you know that in the Mustard Seed .... "
(And as if that isn't enough, the Mustard Seed ones actually fit better too, AND they're better value than Tescos, Sainsburys, Waitrose...).
Yep. The Mustard Seed: for all your giraffes, caraffes, and riffraffes.
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